Fribley Commons
Case Western Reserve University | Cleveland, Ohio
Innovative Student Dining
New dining options supported by two commercial kitchens
LEED Silver Certification
Achieving energy efficiency in an energy-intense space
Robust MEPT Infrastructure
New systems to complements Fribley’s new look
Innovation in Dining Spaces
The 30,000 SF newly renovated Fribley Commons provides students with new dining options supported by two commercial kitchens. The space also includes meeting rooms, a conference room, and a parcel pick-up area.
The project achieves energy efficiency in an energy-intense space. The building has earned LEED Silver certification. It is projected to provide 19% energy cost consumption savings compared to standard kitchen and energy systems design.
New infrastructure complements Fribley’s new look. The team replaced the majority of MEPT infrastructure. New mechanical systems include a water-cooled chiller system, hot water boiler system, and new air handling systems. A new building automation system monitors, controls, and reports energy consumption.